Archives for LATEST - Page 193
The Ten Lost Tribes Versus the Assyrians
"In Isaac (Saxons) Shall Thy Seed Be Called." - Gen. 21:12. The Israelites were Caucasians.…
Tyson Fury
The Fury of Tyson - by Irish Savant Move over The Donald and make way…
Stupid White People Falling for ISIS Propaganda
Jew Simon Elliot, Alias "Al-Bagdahai" of ISIS Two Austrian girls leave Austria to join ISIS…
The Israelite Origin of the Caucasian People Confirmed by Archeology
This video provides us with a visit to the migration routes taken by the Israelites…
This Is The Truth, The Whole Truth, And Nothing But The Truth……
Ladies and Gentlemen, I was just sent this email from a friend and thought I'd…
Satanic/Babylonian Origin of Roman Catholic Symbolism
Jim Staley exposes the pagan origins of Roman Catholicism and the Nimrod/Semiramis worship behind all…
When The Adamic Race Sticks Together
When The Adamic Race Sticks Together Ladies and Gentlemen, today, I'd like to show you…