Archives for LATEST - Page 190
The Rape of Germany, Courtesy of Global Jewry
Angela Merkel, Zionist/communist operative, Mother Terroresa. America, this is your future if you don't begin…
The Myth Of German Villainy
Ben Bradberry who wrote The Myth Of German Villainy is interviewed by League of Extraordinary…
The Great Replacement, Sponsored by Jewry
Excellent music video about the Jew-sponsored genocide of the White Race. From the Great…
Feminists For Rape, Murder and Destruction of Christianity
Stupid Lesbian "Christian" Minister Turns Her Church into a Mosque. Feminism is a Jewish…
The Rape of European Women by the Welfare State Enablers
America's Second Amendment is gaining popularity among White women in Europe: You know that…
Empire Of Porn And Perversion
Ladies and Gentlemen, this post was sent in from Isaiah14Longbow. Special thanks to him. It…
Judaism, Freemasonry and the Slaughter of Christian Russia
A Documentary Based on Juri Lina's Book, "Under the Sign of the Scorpion" …