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New Ensign Issue 78 Feb 2016
The latest monthly issue (February 2016) of The New Ensign Magazine is here in pdf…
Egypt White Proof, Black Spoof
Egypt White Proof, Black Spoof Bust of Queen Nefertiti, 1370–1330 BC, wife of Pharaoh Akhenaten.…
The Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show with David James
David James Reveals Kubrick's Movie Messages David James was a recent guest on the Andrew…
Absolute Proof That the Bible is Archeologically Accurate
Captured Israelites depicted on the Behistun Rock. Those who say that the Bible is historically…
Chemtrails, Nanobots, DNA, Agenda 21 and YOU
German scientist and whistleblower, Harald Kautz Vella, explains the diabolical purpose of chemtrails, nanotechnology and…
Anne Frank Diary An Admitted Fraud Jews Lie Again
Anne Frank Diary Fraud Finally Admitted by Der-Himmelstern, Jan 24, 2016, 10:04:59 AM Journals /…
The Dresden Atrocity
The British brutally murdered defenseless civilians and turned Dresden into rubble "to teach the Germans…