Archives for LATEST - Page 182
Jewish DNA: The “Cohanim Gene” is just another Jewish Hoax
Listen to this Jewish Geneticist use words like "we believe," "we think", "it is probably…
Ultra Liberals and Globalist Media Hate Donald Trump
Proof that mainstream media lies all the time and covers up the obvious. You also…
Art in the Third Reich
Art in the Third Reich Ladies and Gentlemen, this is very important to see. Check…
John XXIII, Anti-Pope, Antichrist
(Angelo Roncalli posing with Propaganda Due, Italian Freemasons and Mafia, while Cardinal of Venice.) Angelo…
Media Silence After Beast Of The Field Strikes.
Media Silence Ater Beast Of The Field Strikes. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is absolutely disgusting.…
The Jew’s God
By Eddie Kadach Isn't the "Jewish" god the God of the Old Testament? Isn't this…
Muhammad Was White LOL
Tim Brown February 17, 2016 Islam’s Muhammad: The White 'Prophet' with Black Slaves Hi Folks,…