Archives for LATEST - Page 17
The Israeli State Is Jewish Terrorism
The true (non-jooish) history of the Jewish/Palestinian conflict. …
Fakitude in IsraHell (the Abomination of Desolation)
Then: the Stab in the Back and the Nakba And now: False Flag…
BHP-210425-Jesus was a Jew, or was He? Part 5
Was Jesus a Jew by religion? Did Jesus teach Judaism? We'll examine the differences between…
Materialism Versus Conscious Intentionality
Is the source of all, mental and physical. If your brain hurts, try…
Genetics Confirms the Aryan Invasion of India
In depth study of the Abrahamic, not European, origin of the Indo-Aryans. As…
Welsh Prince Madoc in America Before Columbus
More proof that Israelites travelled to America in early times. The Brandenburg Stone…