Archives for LATEST - Page 153
History of Islamic/Jewish Violence Against the West
Islam has always been an imperialistic religious state. Wake up, White current invasion of Europe…
General Stubblebine Destroys the Official 9/11 Lie
9/11 is the biggest FAKE NEWS STORY of the 21st Century. General Stubblebine goes through…
Assassination Politics
Ambassador Karlov assassinated in Turkey. Graphic video of the assassination plus commentary. Only the…
Fake News Now
PILOT SHOW TUESDAY 20TH December A new show with your hosts…
The Big Chill On Free Speech Hits Britain
By Francis Carr Begbie - Published At The Occidental Observor It is a fair bet…
BOMBSHELL NEWS (not fake): Pizzagate Confronts Infowars
This video tells the story of Huma Abedeen and Hillary Clinton's involvement with Laura Silsby,…
Podestaphilia: The Hollywood Jewish Connection
Of course, pedosexuality is a natural for Hollywood, a haven of pedosexuals. "They're everywhere, like…