Archives for LATEST - Page 140
The Jews Who Controlled the African Slave Trade
Totally suppressed news about Marrano Jews who captured blacks in Africa and brought to America…
Only White, Christian Civilization Has Treated Women Well
The hypocrites on the Left, especially the femitards, never talk about how non-White, non-Christian societies…
Astounding New Information About the Shroud of Turin
Oval-shaped object found in the beard of the Shroud image contains three Aramaic letters that…
Armed Thugs Raid Alfred Schaefer’s Home
Dear Friends - Yesterday morning, 6th of July, a 6:00 AM our door bell rang…
‘Diversity is our greatest strength’
The true diversity of god and nature's god is shown by races of people living…
Jewish Censorship Again
Oh, for a world without Jewish censorship! The best satire is TRUE SATIRE! …