Archives for LATEST - Page 137
MSM and the Incitement to Hatred in Charlottesville
Matt's life has been destroyed by joozmedia and antifa lies. "The Left…
Hello People Of Yahweh
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, I received this email and I would like to share it…
Charlottesville Update, Part 5
Mayor of Charlottesville is a Jew. Vice mayor is black racist. Police chief is…
When the Saxon Began To Hate
As the White Race wakes up to its Jooish oppressors, we here at EFR…
Welcome James to the land of the Red Pill
By SAVANT A few observations on the case of James Damore, the guy fired by…
The Racial Truth About South Africa
Jews and Communists have created this atmosphere of hatred towards the Boer is anti-white…
Freedom of Speech Is at Stake. Charlottesville, Part 4
Excuse the profanity, but this proves that the jewsmedia and the globalists orchestrated the violence…