Archives for LATEST - Page 136
Commie Scum Attack Peaceful Protestors
Footage of Peaceful Protestors being attacked commie scum. We have been predicting this…
Hitler’s Peace Negotiations with the Poles Continually Rebuffed by the Warmongers
Censored History The Truth about the Danzig Corridor, when the German minority was being ethnically…
Larry Nichols Says the DNC Planned and Executed Charlottesville Stand Down
Brennan Gilmore, CIA Operative involved in staging the Charlottesville riots on behalf of the "Deep…
Drugs and Rapes in Occupy/Antifa/BLM Camps
The Left is absolutely full of bovine but, liars, fools, rapists, communists, and joo-lackeys.…
Jewstream Media Praises Violent Blacks and Criticizes Whites for Defending Themselves
White genocide is the real agenda of the international joo. Incredibly biased coverage blaming whites…
Jewstream Media Coverage of Charlottesville Condemned
commie thug hurling newspaper box at patriots The Zionist-controlled mass media is blaming The Right…
Police Confirm Charlottesville Was an Inside Job by Leftists and Globalists
The communists are coming. Get ready for the American Revolution, Part 2. As we have…