Archives for LATEST - Page 115
Did JFK, Jr Fake His Own Death and Return as Q?
Why Q? This is why! A conspiracy theory to top all conspiracy theories. JFK Jr.…
Mexico Is Run by Drug Lords and Extortionists
Mexico is an extortion narcostate. Why no mass media coverage of this problem? …
CIA Declassifies “The Adam and Eve Story.”
The following link will take you to a book which has been suppressed since…
How Globalist John Foster Dulles Orchestrated American Intervention in Vietnam
The behind-the-scenes story of America's tragic intervention in Vietnam, taking over the failed colonial…
Judeo-Communism Explained
A film by Dennis Wise: Website:
Pastor Eli’s Atlantean Hyposthesis of Genesis 1 Confirmed Again
The newly-discovered impact crater in Greenland Watch this video about ancient history: And…
Western Civilization Owes Its Existence to Christianity
Atheist admits that Christianity is the driving force of Western civilization. Part 2 of this…