Archives for LATEST - Page 104
Genesis 1 and the Impossibility of Positive Mutations: Intelligent Design Versus Evolutionism
Pastor Eli explains why Genesis 1:11 is Yahweh's instructions for the invariable reproduction of…
Jeffrey Epstein’s Billionaire Jewish Buddies
Jeffrey Epstein is only a small part of the global Jewish child trafficking mafia. …
Jeffrey Epstein and a Host of Jewish Pedophiles Exposed as Child Molesters
Folks, for years EFR has been exposing the Jews behind the global pedophilia/sex trafficking…
Traitors Against White South Africa
Globalist and Judeo-church traitors that have destroyed South Africa. Afrikanerbund: Communist Sweden…
5G Is a Deadly Radiation Soup
Two videos that will make you think twice about getting a 5G phone. …
Insider Blows Whistle & Exec Reveals Google Plan To Prevent “Trump Situation” In 2020 On Hidden Cam
BIG UPDATE: YouTube has REMOVED the video from their platform. The video is still available…
How the UN Is Promoting Muslim Immigration Into the US
Globalism is open borders for white nations = White genocide First: Ann Corcoran explains the…