Archives for LATEST - Page 101
Another False Flag on November 3, 2019?
German author makes his case for a major staged assault, this time in Seattle on…
Feast of Tabernacles
Thursday evening October 3rd begins the FOT and ends the evening of the 11th. It's…
Day of Atonement
This Saturday September 28 at evening begins the Day of Atonement. Are you ready to…
Bank Fraud and Mortgage Fraud for Suckers
Fraud #1: All modern banks operate on the fraudulent practice of money creation. Most…
Today is September 19 @ sundown 'blow the shofar'. The Fall Holy Days begin. These…
Evidence of Pre-Historic High Civilizations Can No Longer Be Ignored
Adam's Calendar in Southern Africa, which predates known history by thousands of years. Evidence…
VOCI- Pre-Historic Southern Africa, Part 1
Pastors James and Martens discuss the Gap Theory and the archaeology of Southern Africa