Archives for LATEST - Page 100
The Rothschilds and the Satanic Seedline
How the Jews make deals and corrupt society. A review of Daryl F. Zanuk's…
BREAKING: Trump Impeachment News: Deep State Operative Accused of Being the “Whistleblower”
CIA Operative Eric Ciaramella (pictured on the right) is being accused of being the "whistleblower"…
CA Forest Fires Caused by Corrupt Government and Socialist/Environmentalist Meddling
While the socialists and globalists blame the fires on "global warming," the real cause…
The Annunaki of India: Reptillians of the Very Ancient World
The AnnuNaga of India Extraterrestrials? The Naga (Nachash, Serpent of Genesis 3 who seduced…
RH – US Military Preparing to Use High-Tech Weapons Against Americans
Eli and Doc Waterman discuss the latest super-high tech weapons being deployed against Americans for…
Dual-Seedline Identity Confirmed by Independent Scholars
DSCI (Dual Seedline Christian Identity) asserts that Eve was physically seduced by a Nephilim-like…
TSA – Two-Seedline Explained, Pt 3
Eli James and William Finck continue their explanation of the two seedlines from Gen. 3:15.