Archives for Natural Wellness - Page 20
Yahweh’s Pharmacy
If you slice a potato in half, you will see a pattern that resembles a…
The Pharmakeia Legal Death Machine
Pharmakeia is killing you slowly and making you pay for it. Rev_18:23 And the light…
Boycott Babylon #1
Time to Boycott Kellogg's. Don't buy their GMO garbage. Boycott Monsanto and GMO:…
Vaccines and Autism: Medical Malpractice at its Worst
Autism is caused by vaccinations. No doubt about it. The federal government, in collusion…
Psychiatry and Pharmakeia: Marriage Made in Hell
Making a Killing: How the Quackery of psychiatry married the quackery of pharmaceuticals to…
Erin Dakins Starting tonight at 11pm US EasternTime, EFR will be simulcasting the Truth Traveler…