Archives for Identity - Page 33
Israeli TV Mocks Yahshua as a Monkey
Christian, you need to know that the Jews were never Israelites, Jesus was never…
Subversive “American” Jews
Peter Stuyvesant The Jews in America forced their way in, against the wishes of the…
Multiculturalism is Genocide Against Whites
The Truth behind the Jewish-led onslaught against the White Race. Dear White…
The Sacred Names: Yahweh and Yahshua
Ladies and Gentlemen, there is a lot of disinformation being put out by ignorant people,…
Jesus Was NOT a Jew
Pastor Eli James explains why Jesus was not a Jew. He was a Judahite of…
David Baillie & Pastor Eli James On Clement Pulaski
David Baillie is the host of the Alba Voce show on the American Nationalist Network.…
In Memoriam: Pastor George Udvary
Pastor Eli James' memoriam to Pastor George Udvary who recently passed. Orginally broadcast on Sunday…