Archives for Identity - Page 31
Sodom and Egypt
Pastor Eli James exposes the lies of the jooz and the judeo-kwistians, regarding homosexuality and…
Jesus Was NOT a Jew, by Bertrand Comparet
Jesus was not a Jew, period. Study CI to show thyself approved.
Proof of the Shemitic Origin of the Indo-Aryans
Folks, if it weren't for jooish lies, we wouldn't know anything at all. The…
Is the Pope Catholic or Jewish?
All you have to do to get to heaven is KISS JOO BUTT! The Papacy…
Jesus Was a Blond-Haired, Blue-Eyed Aryan
The myth that the Jews are the Israelites of the Bible is being exploded here…
The Ten Lost Tribes Versus the Assyrians
"In Isaac (Saxons) Shall Thy Seed Be Called." - Gen. 21:12. The Israelites were Caucasians.…
The Israelite Origin of the Caucasian People Confirmed by Archeology
This video provides us with a visit to the migration routes taken by the Israelites…