Archives for Identity - Page 20
Migrations of the Twelve Tribes Documented
Excellent Documentary of the Israelite Origin of the Caucasian People Mikael and Eli discuss…
Heiroglyphs Prove that Hebrew Is the Original Language
Los Lunas Decalogue Stone in ancient paleo-Hebrew, New Mexico As we have been consistently…
Tracing the Tribe of Dan Throughout History
The flaming sword of Judgment. Excellent presentation about the Tribe of Dan by Truth Vids:…
BL – Prophecies of the Day of Judgment, Part 2
Mikael and Eli contend that the current globalist lockdown is a sure sign that the…
How the Word, ‘Gentile’ Has Been Abused by Virtually All Bible Schools
"In Isaac shall thy posterity be called." - Gen. 21:12. The Jews have done a…
100 Proofs That We Caucasians are the Israelites of Scripture
Great video teaching the Identity Message: More Israelite Origin of the Anglo-Saxons: Stay…
Jewish Identity As Antichrist
Charles Weisman on the identity of Israelites and Judahites versus Jews. Chaplain Bob on…