Archives for Edomites - Page 55
Kol Nidre and the Coming Staged Economic Collapse
Rabbi Cahn's Shemitah is a planned attack on Western Civilization. Chaplin Walker is…
Kol Nidre: The Satanic Prayer of the Synagogue of Satan
You should know that Judaism is a religion of lies. The Kol Nidre is…
Aaron Russo on the Jew World Order
Aaran Russo, who died shortly after giving this interview, says that the "war on…
Six Brilliant Men That Believed In Jewish Conspiracies
Only 'stupid' people in tin foil hats believe in anti-Semitic By Mike King SIX OF…
The Alex Jones David Duke Exchange
CAVEAT : Alex Jones is loud and often silly. David Duke has yet to understand…
The War by Rogues En Vogue
Warmongers of the world UNITE! “I spent 33 years and four months in active military…
The Confederate Flag Debate in Perspective
While the liberals pontificate about "slavery in America," which ended 150 years ago, they…