Archives for Identity - Page 12
How the Jews Insinuated Themselves Into the Bible
Christians Were Tricked by the Scofield Bible To Believe Jews Are Gods Chosen People…
Who Is Israel? Part 2, Plus the Origin of the Letter J
JB Wells interviews Pastor Eli James. We discussed the question: Are the Jews Shemites?…
Pastor Eli James on Caravan to Midnight, July 14, 2022, Plus Bonus Video
Esau: red and hairy "Who Is Israel?" Part 1 Sorry about the echo,…
The Testimony of Pontius Pilate
It is not true that the Romans crucified Christ. It was obviously the jews.…
Another Ancient YHWH Discovery, Plus the Amarna Letters
More proof that the Bible is True and its critics are liars. 20161030 The…
More Ancient Israelite Archeological Finds with the Name of Yahweh
Secular anti-biblical theories are biting the dust. More proof that the Bible is true.…
GTR – Deut. 31 – 34
Dan and Eli last episode of the Book of Deuteronomy Related link: