Author Archives: Eli James - Page 338
Baltimore’s Blacks Riot, Anarchy Reigns
Those of you who have been following EFR know that we have been predicting a…
William Pierce on the Subversion of Whitehood by the Jooz
Truth about history "Judaism is not a religion. It is organized crime masquerading…
Jim Traficant, RIP!
Jim Traficant tells it like it is about the Israeli lobby. It's the Jews, stupid!!…
It’s the Jews, Stupid !
Telling it like it is about the subversive influence of Judaism. Wake up, White man!…
White Birth Rates Declining…By Design
Never in history has an entire race been targeted for extinction by propaganda. The jooz…
ISIS Is Just Another Zionist-Funded Proxy “Terrorist” Group
FAKE FAKE FAKE. It's all Orwellian, jooish fakery! FUN FUN FUN. Funding the fake opposition.…
Nibiru Update
Marshall Masters does a rational expose' of the evidence for Planet X One…