Author Archives: Eli James - Page 332
The History and Return of Planet X
Gill Broussard explains current anomalies with the return of correlates biblical disasters with past…
America: The Latest Victim of Jewish Parasitism
From the website: Above Top Secret America, The Latest Victim of The Jewish Parasite…
Black Mob Attacks Whites – Joo Media Silent
911 calls regarding recent attacks by Blacks against Whites. "Youthful mischief gone awry." …
Blacks Enslaving Blacks
Blacks Enslaving Blacks ;feature= "The Dirty Little Secret" about Blacks participating in…
Gog and Magog, the Jews of London and Magna Carta
Ladies and Gentlemen: the following slide show will explain some all-important history about Jewish moneylending,…
George Galloway Exposes the Jews Behind ANC
The Jews are destroying all White countries by supporting Zionism, communism and race-mixing. George Galloway,…
How the Jews Manipulated WWI into a Zionist Coup
Theodore Herzl "We are a people - One people ... When we sink, we become…