Author Archives: Eli James - Page 317
Professional Liars
The JOOZNOOZ is destroying your brain. WAKE UP!
Fake News! Fake nooz! Fake jooz! Fake Jews!
The problem is that the progressives are just as FAKE!!! You will never trust the…
The FBI and the Feds Are Enslaving America
Ex-police officer chimes in. This is WAR between the people and the feds.…
Corruption in the West Traced Back to the Clinton Crime Syndicate
From Clinton Foundation took massive payoffs, promised Hammond Ranch and other publicly owned lands to…
Shawna Cox Testimony of the Tragic Tyrannical Assault Against the Oregon Patriots
Welcome to the SOVIET STATES OF AMERICA and the KGB (FBI) assault on innocent citizens.…
The Real Alex Jones
Bet you never guessed! Touche'!! Alex, I won't say publicly what I think of…
Fareed Zakaria, CNN Host, Calls for the Rape of White Women and the Extermination of Our Race
Rape White Women Without Mercy!’ — CNN Host Fareed Zakharia Admin January 14, 2016January…