Author Archives: Eli James - Page 245
CA Forest Fires Caused by Corrupt Government and Socialist/Environmentalist Meddling
While the socialists and globalists blame the fires on "global warming," the real cause…
The Annunaki of India: Reptillians of the Very Ancient World
The AnnuNaga of India Extraterrestrials? The Naga (Nachash, Serpent of Genesis 3 who seduced…
VOCI – Tetragrammaton, Part 2
Discussion around the rejection of the term "Jehovah," as promoted by the Jehovah's Witnesses, showing…
RH – US Military Preparing to Use High-Tech Weapons Against Americans
Eli and Doc Waterman discuss the latest super-high tech weapons being deployed against Americans for…
BL – Historicity of Paul’s Ministry
Documentation of Paul's movements throughout the Greco-Roman world and his preaching to both Houses in…
YCP – More Evidence for Indo-Aryan and Hebrew Being Closely Related Languages
Pastor Eli James provides the historical and linguistic evidence that Hebrew belongs in the Indo-Aryan…
Dual-Seedline Identity Confirmed by Independent Scholars
DSCI (Dual Seedline Christian Identity) asserts that Eve was physically seduced by a Nephilim-like…