Author Archives: Eli James - Page 236
Virginia and the Second Amendment
Virginia's illegal gun confiscation law opposed by Constitutionalists. More: EFR is an…
Manipulation of the Masses with False Flags and Phony Wars
ALL WARS ARE BANKERS' WARS (Jewish bankers, to be specific) "Let's not agonize about morals."…
Rabbi Admits the Hitler Was Right About the Jews
Rabbi admits that the Jews were guilty of what Hitler accused them of: The Jews…
Reptilians, Draconians and the Rothschilds: the Aliens Among Us
Bug-eyed reptilian on the left. Don Knotts on the right. Science Fiction or Fact? David…
BL – The Word Jew Does Not Belong in the Bible, Part 1
Mikael Swede joins Pastor Eli in discussing how the word 'Jew' is a mistranslation of…
RH – Interview with Art Jones, Candidate in the Third Congressional District of Illinois
Pastor Eli discusses the political state of America in these troublous times.