Author Archives: Eli James - Page 232
YCP – Roman Catholic Communism
Pastor Eli James explains how the Roman Catholic Church has been taken over by communists,…
RH – Interview with Art Jones, Plus Recent Headlines
First Hour: Art Jones talks about is campaign for Congress in the 3rd Congressional District…
Cell Phones Are Dangerous
Video about how dell phone radiation affects myelin. Very important information. Your cell phone…
A Tribute to Ron Wyatt, Christian Archaeologist
Ron Wyatt, discoverer of Noah's Ark and the Red Sea Crossing Ron Wyatt's Discovery…
How the Kosher State Stages Fake Events
State terrorism is a Jewish business Mike Adams explains: (Copy and paste into your browser.)…
Is War Against Iran in America’s Interest or Jewish Interests?
"Iranian-American" gives a very accurate portrayal of America's off and on relationship with Iran.…
VOCI – Interview With Jason Bartlett, Trekker Against White Genocide
Pastors James and Martens discuss the White genocide that is occurring in South Africa and…