Author Archives: Eli James - Page 228
VOCI – Great Awakening of the Boer People
Pastor Martens of South Africa explains how the Christian Identity movement in gaining adherents in…
Coronavirus, Project Pogo and Project Zyphr: Globalists Target Patriots for Extermination
David Goldberg discusses the fact that the Zionists have become alarmed at the GREAT…
BL – Ruth Was an Israelite, Not a Moabitess
David and Eli read from Bertrand Comparet's article on the subject of Ruth's Israelite genealogy…
How the Word, ‘Gentile’ Has Been Abused by Virtually All Bible Schools
"In Isaac shall thy posterity be called." - Gen. 21:12. The Jews have done a…
YCP – The Dresden Holocaust: NEVER AGAIN!!!!
A report about the 1945 St. Valentines's day massacre of up to 700,000 civilians in…
Nameless War, Part 4
Pastor Eli James concludes the series on the Nameless War. This last installment concerns how…