Author Archives: Eli James - Page 220
Bill Gates and the Global Pharma Police: Dictatorship Via Mandatory Vaccination
The Medical Mafia masquerades as a "we are here to protect you from disease" movement. …
VOCI – The Afrikaner (Cape Dutch Edomites) Impersonation and Oppression of the Boer People
Pastor Martens explains how he is being attacked by the Cape Dutch Afrikaners for exposing…
BL – The Seven Churches of Revelation, Part 4
Mikael and Eli focus on the congregations of Thyatira an Sardis in this recording.
YCP – Racist Blood
Pastor James explains that different races have different types of blood, and the medical establishment…
Coronahoax: Mass Media Claims Hospitals Are Overloaded with Patients. Video Evidence Proves Otherwise.
Empty tents and hospitals while mass media says hospitals are overflowing with victims!!! Bristol citizen…
BL – Viruses, Bacteria and Immunity, Part 1
Pastor Eli James discusses the virus theory of disease and finds it wanting. The fact…