Author Archives: Eli James - Page 209
The Social Hazards of Distancing and Masking
Love is not wearing a face mask. THE SCIENCE IS NOT SETTLED!!!! Researcher proves that…
The Hypocrisy of BLM, Antifa and the Kosher Press
The Hodgkin Twins expose the anti-white bias of mass media. White teenager beaten…
VOCI – The Roots of Mystery Babylon in the Dutch (Jewish) East India Company
Pastors Martens and James discuss the origins of mystery babylon in the Jewish colonialist companies…
RH Aftermath of the George Floyd Riots, Plus CARES Act
Darrel and Eli discuss the number of people killed by rioters during the George Floyd…
YCP- The Politics of the COVID-19 Lockdown
Pastor Eli exposes the behind-the-scenes politics of the COVID-19 lockdown
BL II Esdras 7 and the Judgment Day
Mikael and Eli analyze II Esdras and its prophetic content about the Day of Judgment.