Author Archives: Eli James - Page 208
VOCI – Face Mask or Farce Mask?
Pastor Eli discusses the farce that is COVID-19 and the face masks that are symbols…
RH – COVID-19 as an Occult Ritual
Darrell and Eli discuss how elite occultists have taken over world politics and are using…
The Jews And the Enslavement of Blacks
Important video about the Jews and slavery in America. Jewish and Liberal hypocrisy on…
BL Three-Headed Eagle of II Esdras, Final Episode
Mikael and Eli discuss the amazingly accurate prophecy of II Esdras concerning European history in…
YCP – Jewish Supremacism and the Global Surveillance State
Pastor Eli James exposes the true agenda behind COVID-19: global surveillance by the self-chosen
BL – 3-Headed Eagle, Part 1
Mikael and Eli discuss the II Esdras prophecy of the 3-Headed Eagle, which is about…
Deceptive Language (Legalese) and the UN Corporation
From the Vatican to vaccines, the global corporation sees us as consumers and even as…