Author Archives: Eli James - Page 199
BL – Israelite Origin of the Scandinavians, Part 1
Mikael and Eli begin a series on the common Israelite origin of the various Scandinavian…
RH – Media Double Standards in the Kyle Rittenhouse Case
Darrel and Eli discus how the mass media has already condemned Kyle Rittenhouse as a…
Kyle Rittenhouse and the Three Shots Heard ‘Round the World
How Kyle Rittenhouse defended himself against three leftist thugs: (Cut and paste into your…
Hoax of the Twentieth Century, Chapter 5, Part 1
Pastor Eli reads the chapter about the Hungarian Jews. Athur Butz demolishes the Auschwitz hoax.
C-O-V-I-D-1-9 (Pastor Eli’s Latest Parody Song)
Set to the music of 867-5309, Enjoy! The lyrics: COVID-19 (Satan…
COVID Genome Matches Human DNA
The so-called Covid virus is actually part of the human genome. This hoax is…