Author Archives: Eli James - Page 198
Directed Energy Weapons Are the True Cause of the “Wildfires”
2Pe_3:7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are…
RH – Directed Energy Weapons and the West Coast Fires
Eli does a detailed analysis of DEW weapons as they have been employed in California…
The Rothschild Plan to Burn America with DEW’s
the fires of the Great Tribulation have begun Deborah Tavares predicted the West Coast Fires…
YCP – The Jews Pulled Off 9/11 and COVID-19
Pastor James summarizes the known Jews who pulled off 9/11/2001 and discusses the fact at…
Hoax, Chapter 6
Pastor Eli James reads Chapter 6, "Et Cetera", from Hoax of the Twentieth Century, By…
YCP- Christ Come Back and Save Us, Part 2
Part 2 of Lasha Darkmoon's heartfelt plea for White people to rediscover true Christianity.
VOCI – Enmity Between Jacob and Esau Down to the Present
Pastors James and Martens discus the origin of the enmity between Jacob and Esau and…