ACH (1607) Eric Gajewski – The TRADCATKNIGHT & ACH Show #13 – Being Offensive Is An Offence

In today’s show originally broadcast on September 21 2021, Andy co-hosts, “The TRADCATKNIGHT & ACH Show,” with Eric Gajewski, for a show entitled, “Being Offensive Is An Offence.”
We discussed: the similarities between vaccine injuries and snake venom poisoning; the increasing popularity of body modification; the Elites plan for a great culling of humanity that was revealed on the Jesse Ventura Show back in 2009; the 1-800 Snitches and Snoops hotlines; the increase in food shortages and unemployment; the inceasingly Totalitarian Police State in the UK; the portentous volcanic eruption of Cumbre Vieja on the island of Las Palmas which is happening now; the numerous earth changes that have taken place since we recorded our last TRADCATKNIGHT & ACH Show; why the CDC consider a person unvaccinated if it’s less than 14 days since they received the jab along with the significance of this; and many other topics.
Click Here For A Live Video Feed Of The Cumbre Vieja Volcano