Ex-Israeli Soldier Explains How IsraHELL Stages Terrorist Acts to Dupe the Sheeple Eli James Apr 30, 2015 Ex-Israeli Soldier Explains How IsraHELL Stages Terrorist Acts to Dupe the Sheeple2015-05-01T06:28:57-04:00 War Very revealing video about how the Israelis are behind all of the world’s terrorism. “NYPD has an office in Tel Aviv.” Wake up, White man! Share this:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window) 911, black on white violence, cover-up, false flag, Freemasons, israel, Jews, Polyticks, Talmud Related Posts RH – Sacred Names and the Jews VOCI – Genocide n Gaza YCP – Stephen Jones on the Edomites in Palestine Today