Dial the call in number for your country, when prompted enter 8868630#

  United States (605) 475 4120
  United States (712) 832 8330
  Australia (08) 9520 3110
  Austria - National 0820 444599
  Austria - Mobile 0820 987601
  Belgium 02 808 76 34
  Finland 09 74790416
  Germany 0211 95987102

  United Kingdom 0333 113 0100
  Hungary (1) 848 0439
  Ireland (01) 437 0588
  Lithuania (8-5) 207 8094
  Netherlands 020 262 1918
  Poland 22 116 86 89
  South Africa 087 195 0685
  Ukraine 089 320 2487


In your smartphone create a new contact (eg EFR STUDIO) and enter the following for the number:

From US enter: 6054754120,,8868630#    From UK enter: 03331130100,,8868630#

The two commas (,,) create a pause enabling you to connect without having to tap in the access code.