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BHP-190518-Sickness VS Health Pt 2
Continuing our series on the connection between obedience and health VS disobedience and sickness. May…
Get ready for 16 episodes all about what scripture teaches us about the relationship between…
BHP-191123-Nachash Pt 3
The serpent in the garden is Nachash in the Hebrew. The last episode on this…
BHP-191116-Nachash Pt 2
The serpent in the garden is Nachash in the Hebrew. There is much more to…
BHP-191109-Nachash Pt 1
The serpent in the garden. The usurper of Adam's dominion. The beguiler and defiler of…
BHP-191102-Grammatical Deception Pt 4
DOG-LATIN. If you haven't heard parts 1-3, there's not much I can say here, but,…
BHP-191026-Grammatical Deception Pt 3
DOG-LATIN. What is it? You've seen it before. We've been trained to use it. COMIC…