Archives for LATEST - Page 162
Multiculturalism = WHITE GENOCIDE
Only White nations are being forced to race-mix. Sarkozy, yet another White-hating Jew, leads the…
Hellary’s Backers: Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Soros
Jew-Controlled media refuses to expose Hillary's globalist sponsors. The game is rigged by…
9/11 Update: Stranger Than Fiction
Fire cannot bring down a steel-frame building: This Report nails the Zionists…
Trump Exposes Hellary’s Globalist Agenda
"Hillary should be locked up." Donald Trump has joined the ranks of conspiracy truthers. JFK's…
Suspicious Deaths for Wikileaks, as they Expose Hellary’s Mafia Activities
Wikileaks lawyer, John Jones, killed by train: Add Seth Rich to the trail…
Hillary Clinton, Warmonger, Whoremonger
Hillary Clinton is a Zionist Warmonger, who has said she will launch nuclear war against…
Remembering Christian Europe
CAMBRIA WILL NOT YIELD Having eyes, see ye not? and having ears, hear ye not?…