Author Archives: Eli James - Page 336
IsraHELL Discriminates Against Blacks: Riots Ensue
WAKE UP, WHITE MAN! The Israeli State is a racist state. The Jews are supremacists;…
How the Talmudic Banksters Rule by Destruction
Note that the villains pictured in this video, such as House and Warburg, are…
The Caucasian DNA of the Hamito-Semitic Dynasties of Early Egypt
More proof that we Caucasians are the Hamites, Japhethites, Shemites, Hebrews and Israelites of History.…
The Declaration of Arbroath
More proof that we Caucasians are the ISraelites. The Declaration of Arbroath declares that the…
The Stone of Destiny: Britain’s Coronation Stone of Jacob
Ladies and Gents, more proof that we Caucasians are the Israelites of the Bible. Jacob's…
Need a Job? Become a Crisis Actor for Jade Helm!
Illuminati terminology for crisis actors: "Role Players" What does Jade Helm stand for? JOINT…
Ex-Israeli Soldier Explains How IsraHELL Stages Terrorist Acts to Dupe the Sheeple
Very revealing video about how the Israelis are behind all of the world's terrorism. …