Author Archives: Eli James - Page 191
YCP – Covenant Theology in the Epistles of Paul
Pastor Eli James explains how horrible translations and even worse interpretations have corrupted the epistles…
RH – Dangers of Radiation Update with Jeanice Barcelo
Eli and Jeanice discuss a wide range of radiation dangers, from cell phones to 5G.
China Gate and Pizza Gate Merge Together
Leo Frank, one of the original jooish rapists and torturers, while head of the Bnai…
They Get Kicked Out, But They Get in Again
The 1% have all the money and control every party, but the goyim are waking…
Transhumanism on the Covid Agenda
Dr. Carrie Madej (pronounced Madday) on the transhumanist Agenda. (video removed from Youtube but…
VOCI – American and Boer Persecution by the Jews
Pastors Martens and James explain how the Jewish-led merchants and slave traders persecuted the European,…