Lost Israel in Folklore

This year’s calendar theme is Lost Israel in Folklore Children’s Stories. Relive and experience our Israelite ancestor’s history of migrations through the stories of the Brother’s Grimm. I designed the calendar to be followed along with the audio readings of the Folklore Stories.

The first two pages/months detail the Covenants with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, followed by the Assyrian and Babylonian deportations.

The month of May is where you want to begin the first video in the series. Snow White.

I recommend pulling up the calendar pdf. link on your TV or monitor, (internet access), and a second tab open the YouTube link. This way you can view the calendar on a large screen while listening to the audio from the video. You might have to use 2 devices to accomplish this.

Get the family involved, especially the kids! Listen to the next video each month. There are eleven stories in all (Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Hansel & Gretel, Jack & the Beanstalk, Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White and Rose Red, The 12 Brothers, The Enchanted Stag, the Frog King, and the 7 Ravens).

This is the Pearls of Wisdom YT channel (more good stuff) https://www.youtube.com/@pearlsofwisdom1617

This is the playlist of the 11 stories Snow White – Stories of Lost Israel in Folklore – Chap 1

This is the link to the pdf. calendar for the TV, or large monitor. 2025 Calendar ‘Stories of Lost Israel in Folklore’


If you would like a Calendar and support EFR, please contact Eli (elijames@att.net) and send a minimum $20 donation. I have a few as well (thinkoutsidethebeast@yahoo.com or ageoflaodicea@gmail.com)

Enjoy and Yah bless!