The Case Against LBJ

For this week’s show, I discuss the theory that LBJ was behind the assassination of President Kennedy. The evidence of him being one of the major conspirators is overwhelming. I know, because I just read 400 pages about it over the past few weeks, not to mention at least 10 hours of documentaries regarding the matter. At first glance, I quickly scoffed at the notion of LBJ being the guilty party. Many hours of reading later, I no longer scoff. There’s a very good case to be made, and I encourage you to dig in for yourself. This is just an introduction to the matter. There’s no way I can do justice to the topic on a 120-minute recording.
The Kennedy boys were not saints, either. But I believe John’s presidency would’ve been much more benign for the country instead of LBJ’s blood-soaked reign of corruption. Whether Jewish or not, LBJ deserves to be recognized and remembered as the unscrupulous animal that he was.
Judge a man by his fruit and the company he keeps. When you look at LBJ, what do you see?