The BBC will show the first of a three-part series (‘Three Girls‘) on the Rochdale Muslim grooming scandal next Tuesday. The script of the actual Rochdale scandal played out exactly like dozens if not hundreds of others throughout Britain. In heavily Muslim-infested areas local Muslims groom and rape very young White girls. Nobody does anything to stop them. The police in fact threaten to prosecute the girls’ families for ‘disturbing the peace’ while social services studiously ignore the problem for years on end, and as in the Rochdale case, fire employees who try to stop the abuse. The political establishment turns a blind eye.

The BBC (or should that be the HebeBC?) – the people who covered up for Jimmy Saville long after his guilt was known – coyly inform us that Three Girls is ‘based on the true stories of victims of grooming and sexual abuse in Rochdale’. Well no, it’s not. Except in the very loosest sense. In fact it completely rewrites history to a degree that would have embarrassed Stalin and his propagandists. You see the rapists in the programme are White whereas the real ones (and the same applies all over the country) were Pakistani Muslims. And as the top picture underlines, a more repulsive gang of inbred monsters would be hard to find. Not content with this, one of the main detectives in the programme is a Muslim as is the Prosecuting Counsel.

England’s Top Lawman.

Now this is not as insane as it sounds as the British Police, Crown Prosecution Services and Child Protection Agencies are riddled at the highest levels with blacks and Muslims. Nonetheless I think the HebeBC echo chamber might have ‘done a Trump’ in this instance. Because the story as they tell it is so blatantly at variance with the well known facts, in fact such a grotesque distortion, that the brainwashing must become apparent to even the most comatose viewer. There simply has to be an acceleration, maybe even a rapid one, in the growing distrust of the BBC and MSM outlets in general.

And, if God is good, maybe the Saxon will begin to understand the nature of the terrible crime committed against him, a crime that has seen his country swamped by inferior people, an invasion orchestrated at the highest levels of the globo-homo power structure, aided and abetted by British traitors. Should that happen maybe the Saxon will finally begin to hate..

It was not suddently bred
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.
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Source:: Irish Savant