Norway Trafficking Ring Busted: Global Implications

OPERATION DARKROOM: Pizzagate is getting BIGGER AND BIGGER. This Norway bust is going to bleed over to Pizzagate here in America. More evidence that Mass Media routinely spikes news about pedosexual rings.
The Jewstream media is totally silent about Operation Darkroom and working overtime to cover it up.
The Israeli intelligence gathering corporation, STRATFOR, is implicated as well. As EFR followers know, Stratfor runs the Alex Jones gatekeeping operation, known as Infowars, whose main function is to prevent public knowledge of the Rothschilds and Jewish involvement in global war, sex trafficking, and control of media. The following video connects the dots between Stratfor, Hillary Clinton, the murders of Vince Foster and Seth Rich. Lesson: the closer you get to Hillary Clinton, the more likely you are to get shot in the back.
Why Are US Mainstream Media Outlets Removing the “Operation Darkroom” Story?
Towards the end of 2016, Norwegian officials announced the completion of an international darknet child pornography investigation. Police identified 51 suspects, and many were law enforcement officers, politicians, or other well-known individuals. The investigators seized 150 terabytes of child porn under the now defunct “Operation Darkroom.”
Mainstream media picked up on the article and published stories about the arrests but the news, now, has changed. Various news outlets and Twitter users noticed the websites started to remove the articles. The question is simple: why? Thankfully, for some, the articles are easily located.
Hilde Reikrås, head of the taskforce and spokesperson at the press release, announced that two men were prominent public figures in Norway. Two were politicians—one in office and the other a former politician. A locally-famous lawyer and schoolteacher made the police’s list too. Reikrås refused to release names to the public, at the time of the announcement. However, since then, the press managed to identify many of the suspects. NRK, a local TV and radio broadcasting company, spoke to one of the politician’s lawyers. The attorney told NRK that his client, the politician, knew that he committed a crime. He, the politician, claimed to be a drug addict. He was not aware of the child pornography, according to NRK. One of the politicians has been cooperating with police, Reikrås said.
The Norwegian men, or many of them, were placed in custody the morning of the press release. But police announced that international suspects were still at large. The relevant law enforcement agency received information on the remote suspects. One, for instance, disappeared in Sweden. Swedish police hunted him down during Operation Darkroom but failed to locate him.