

Germany can no longer cope with filthy Muslims:


A Female Doctor Working in Germany Warns the World

“Yesterday, at the hospital in Germany where I work,we had a meeting about how the influx of muslim immigrants from the middle east is simply unsustainable. Walk in Health Clinics cannot handle emergencies, being overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of serious health emergencies, they are starting to send everything to the hospitals.

Many muslims are refusing treatment by female staff here in Germany.  The muslim men make sick, crude comments and overtures to the female staff members, because to them any non-muslim woman is a whore or a future slave.  After brief exposure to these cruel, sadistic, female hating beasts, we, women, are refusing to go among those animals, especially the muslim men from Africa.

Relations between the female hospital staff and muslim immigrants are going from bad to worse. Since, the assault and unreported rapes of German women last weekend migrants going to the hospitals must be accompanied by police with K-9 units.

Very high numbers of migrants have AIDS, syphilis, open TB and many exotic diseases that we, in Europe, do not know how to treat them.

If they receive a prescription in the pharmacy, when they learn they have to pay cash they become violent. They were told in the middle east that everything in Germany would be free. Everything would be handed to them on a silver platter.


Finding out that they MUST pay for certain things leads to loud, violent, outbursts, especially when it is about drugs for the children.   Many of these muslim immigrants kidnapped children, so that, their social benefits would be higher once they landed in Germany.

Finding that they would have to pay for the children’s drugs, they gave up the ruse and abandoned the children with pharmacy staff with the words: “So, cure them here yourselves!”

Now, the police are not just guarding the clinics and hospitals, but also large pharmacies.

Truly we said openly: Where are all those who had welcomed in front of TV cameras, with signs at train stations?! Yes, for now, the border has been closed, but a million of them are already here and we will definitely not be able to get rid of them.


Until now, the number of unemployed in Germany was 2.2 million. Now it will be at least 3.5 million or higher. Most of these people are completely unemployable. A infinitesimal bare minimum of them have any education. What is more, their women usually do not work at all. I estimate that one in ten is pregnant with many children in tow.

Hundreds of thousands of them have brought along infants and little kids under six, many emaciated and neglected.  If this continues and Germany re-opens its borders, I’m going home to the Czech Republic. Nobody can keep me here in this situation, not even double the salary than at home. I went to Germany, not to Africa or the Middle East.

Even the professor who heads our department told us how sad it makes him to see the cleaning woman, who for 800 Euros a month cleans every day for years.  She has to pick up the refuse the muslim men discard every where they go.   She has to serve the young muslim men in the hallways who stand there with their hand outstretched, demanding everything for free, and when they don’t get it they throw a fit.


They know Germany and her citizens are very civilized.  Add to that the world is watching, so these vicious, lazy, muslim youths know if they scream shout, and threaten violence, the German people will cave in.

I tell you, no one who has not come in contact with them has any idea what kind of animals they are, especially the ones from Africa, and how the muslim men and women act superior to our staff who are Christian.  They look down upon us, verbally deride our Christian values and then demand that their every wish be granted immediately. 

If, Germans with our generous nature cannot handle this, then the rest of Europe will be total chaos.

For now, the local hospital staff has not come down with the diseases they brought here, but, with so many hundreds of patients every day – this is just a question of time.

In a hospital near the Rhine, migrants attacked the staff with knives after they had handed over an 8-month-old on the brink of death, which they had dragged across half of Europe for three months before seeking medical attention. The child died in two days, despite having received top care at one of the best pediatric clinics in Germany.  The physician had to undergo surgery and two nurses are in the ICU. Nobody has been, and no one will be punished.

The local press is forbidden to write about it!



AC Hitchcock and I have demonstrated that the Jews have used Islam to destroy the West for centuries.  Here is more proof that the Jews are using Muslims to invade the West today.


Jews abandon ‘Islamophobia’, embrace Islam as proxy against Christ, again


“Jews should rejoice at the fact that Christian Europe is losing its identity as a punishment for what it did to us for the hundreds of years we were in exile…. And now, Europe is losing its identity in favour of another people and another religion…. Even if we are in a major war with the region’s Arabs over the Land of Israel, Islam is still much better as a gentile culture than Christianity.” —Rabbi Baruch Efrati, 2012

By Timothy Fitzpatrick
September 3, 2016 Anno Domini

The Zionist usefulness of so called “Islamophobia” has reached an end as the Judeo-masonic cryptocracy advances to the next level of achieving its kabbalist, alchemical olam ha ba(world to come).

The Zionist neocon regime of the George W. Bush/Tony Blair era has more or less achieved its goal of Balkanizing the Middle East, stealing its oil, and expanding Israel’s control and influence over the region. The only thing that remains unfinished is the toppling of a couple of more resistance regimes, namely Syria and Iran.

As the Jewtocracy initially escalated its efforts to achieve this goal of Middle East dominance, it apparently used the tool of “Islamophobia” (a left-wing invented meme) to aid in its public relations goal of selling war (and a surrendering of civil liberties) to the Western public. It worked. The general public, especially self-identifying conservatives, supported the war efforts (Afghanistan, Iraq). But now that we appear to be moving into the next phase of Jewish global hegemony, what purpose does this Islamophobia serve?

There are only two legitimate reasons for neocon-era Jews to promote Islamophobia:

  1. To create global hostility towards Islamics in order for Israel to justifiably Judaize and control the Middle East (whilst acquiring its resources).
  2. To cover up Israel Mossad/CIA false flag terrorism (to achieve geo-political objectives and to make future false flags more tenable).

As I have already stated, the first objective has already been achieved. The second objective is ongoing but takes a back seat to greater objectives, which I will get to shortly.

Anti-Zionists, from the right and the left, appear to agree that Islamophobia is a Zionist tool. However, some right-wing anti-Zionists have never bought into that theory and have opposed both Islam and Judaism as hostile ethnic movements (this is the most truthful view). But for the most part, anti-Zionists in general are still using the Islamophobia meme, even though they can’t justify its continued use by Zionists (Mark Glenn is a good example). The most they can do to justify its continued use is to pick and choose which incident of “terrorism” is a false-flag attack—some even contending that all acts of terrorism are false flags.

Out with the Jewish Necons, in with Soros and the SJW Jewish left

The evidence indicates that the Judeo-masonic crpytocracy has manipulated the immigration policies of the West, the media, the police forces, and Western leaders to allow for the unfettered influx of hostile, violent, and brute migrants from Islamic nations, especially North Africa. There is no other reasonable explanation for the seeming organized collaborative effort of said groups. If true, wouldn’t it be contradictory for these Zionists to support the movement of large numbers of Muslims to the West whilst spreading fear of this movement in the minds of Westerners?

Further evidence that Jews have abandoned Islamphobia is media censorship/downplaying of Islamic crimes (thanks in part to Jewish-engineered “social justice” activism and dominance of the press) and identifying Islamists at the centre of these crimes. If it were their agenda, the Jewish-controlled media would be doing the opposite. They would amplify the Islamic role in the escalating crimes in Europe and the West. They would go out of their way to identify and make known that these crimes were the works of extreme Islamists, like they did during the Bush/Blair neocon era. The overall media bias of the neocon days is strikingly different from that of today’s. I don’t see any pro-Islamic anti-Zionists pointing this out. Then we have radical leftist Jew George Soros hyping the alleged problem of “Islamophobia” through his open society thinktank Demos. One leaked Soros open society document, “International Migration Initiative“, states,

…we aimed to prevent the violation of migrants’ rights by minimizing harsh border controls and decreasing the widespread use of detention and deportation.

…we should also be supporting actors in the field proactively seeking to change the policies, rules, and regulations that govern migration.

We deliberately avoided the term “global governance” because there is no single system at the global level for managing migration.

Although the Soros think-tank talks of ways to undermine governments in order to advance unfettered migration, much of the work was done decades ago as Jews advanced to and influenced Western immigration policy boards and committees.


Christianity the primary target of Jewish/Islamic alliance

The reason Jews have abandoned Islamophobia globally, albeit perhaps not locally in the Middle East, is for their primary objective of destroying Christianity and all its vestiges. Jewish rabbis and handfuls of others have admitted this is their goal in the Islamization of the West. Judaism itself was created in reaction to Christianity, that is, as a proposed solution to Christianity. Islam serves as perhaps the greatest proxy weapon the Jewish conspirators have ever been able to employ in their hatred for Christ and the moral order. As anyone with eyes can see, this agenda has been fully engaged. The Jews don’t just want the Oded Yinon plan, they want the entire world, and there is only enough from for the Jews in the new world. Christianity must be eradicated. West Bank Rabbi Baruch Efrati, in an astonishing admission in the Jewish press, said that the “Islamization of Europe a good thing” and that “Islam a relatively honest religion”.

We will never forgive Europe’s Christians for slaughtering millions of our children, women and elderly… Not just in the recent Holocaust, but throughout the generations, in a consistent manner which characterizes all factions of hypocritical Christianity…

A now, Europe is losing its identity in favor of another people and another religion, and there will be no remnants and survivors from the impurity of Christianity, which shed a lot of blood it won’t be able to atone for.

Islam: Useful idiots or co-conspirators?


Orthodox Armenia—a victim of Jewish/Islamic terrorism.

Jews have helped and used their perceived enemies before, whether it was the Nazis, Hamas, Wahhabism, and especially Al Qaeda/ISIS/ISIL. It also wouldn’t be the first time that Jews used Islam against Christianity, as historian E. Michael Jones points out about Medieval anti-Christianity in The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History. In a more recent example, evidence tends to show a Jewish-Islamic alliance in the Armenian genocide (Armenia is an Oriental Orthodox Christian society). In the 7th century A.D. Jews allied themselves with the Persian Sasanians in a failed attempt to overthrow the Christian Orthodox Byzantine Empire. As the above Youtube video of Rabbi Pinchas Goldscmidt illustrates, the long-running Jewish-Islamic alliance remains, despite appearances to the contrary. The Jewish-Islamic alliance is much more than Jews identifying with Muslims out of sympathy for their minority status (a sympathy Jews had for black Americans in their alliance during the civil rights buildup) in the West. They see a great opportunity in finally wiping out Christianity and any memory of Hellenic Christian morality from the face of the Earth, whether that be through the annihilation of Christianity and Islam together, or all religions simultaneously (Albert Pike’s prediction).

And where they can, Jews will continue to use false-flag terrorism, mainly through Islamic patsies (both willing and unwilling), to further their goal of destabilizing the Middle East and the West. Israel think-tank director Efraim Inbar wrote in an August 2 paper “The Destruction of Islamic State is a Strategic Mistake” that “instability and crises sometimes contain portents of positive change.” The paper went on to illustrate how ISIS was a useful tool against Iran, Syria, and Hezbollah.

Former Israeli Mossad case officer Victor Ostrovsky revealed in his 1994 tell-all book The Other Side of Deception that the Mossad creates and controls Islamic extremist groups.

Supporting the radical elements of Muslim fundamentalism sat well with the Mossad’s general plan for the region. An Arab world run by fundamentalists would not be a party to any negotiations with the West, thus leaving Israel, again, as the only democratic, rational country in the region. And if the Mossad could arrange for the Hamas (Palestinian fundamentalists) to take over the Palestinian streets from the PLO, then the picture would be complete.

—page 197

Jewish flip-flopping over perceived enemies part of the kabbalist game

If all this Jewish about facing is confusing, it’s because it’s designed to appear that way to the unaware. The goal is to guide and control the bewildered through a series of complex dialectics (literally to rule using opposites). Islam may be the enemy of Jews one day, and allies the following day—the process of which attracts proponents to either side of the orchestrated conflict, which usually serves to either bring said proponents to another tier(s) of dialectics or to some conclusive end. These staged conflicts can lead to dozens other tiers of conflicts, with a goal not realized for several generations, as is the case with the Judeo-masonic conspiracy. You have have heard of this deception termed the “Hegelian dialectic”, but its true source is the Jewish Kabbalah. The entire New World Order conspiracy, in all of its facets, is based on this Jewish alchemical concept. The Kabbalah basically teaches that one can achieve “good” using evil, of all sorts and degrees.


