Did you see the Hildebeast’s epic coughing, choking and spewing fit during its recent speech? If you didn’t see it don’t be surprised as the MSM whipped it out of sight before you could say human devil. It looks serious I’m happy to report and maybe this  sick, demented, soulless, lying beast will shortly meet her Maker (‘Hi Lucifer’).

I offer the following as possible explanations for this heartwarming event.
* Congenitive heart disease
* Parkinson’s
* Chlamydia of the throat courtesy of Bill
* Huma’s pubic hair ball stuck in throat
* Larynx destroyed at last by that hideous grating rasping voice
* She realised she wasn’t getting paid for the speech
billc-memeAnyway, her aides will soon go from worrying about her coughing fits to wondering if the coffin fits. Look, it’s understandable that wishing ill health on another person has always been socially and morally taboo. But remember that she enthusiastically pushed for the wars in Iraq, Libya and Syria, wars which resulted in close to one million (mostly civilians) dead and the physical devastation of those countries. In classical psychopathic fashion she has demonstrated not one iota of regret for her actions. Right now she’d love to start new wars with Iran and Russia, or with whomever else her globalist paymasters want destroyed.
So please die soon. If you can do it during the Trump debate, ‘live’ on TV for our enjoyment and entertainment so much the better.
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Source:: Irish Savant