By Ed Sommerville

(Thanks to Mike for bringing this to our attention).

140803 VOCI Turn The Other CheekLocated in the small city of Deshnoke, in Northwest India, there is a large temple devoted to the worship of 20,000 rats that live within it’s walls. People go in there to worship them, as they “know” they are their reincarnated loved ones. Many of them lay on the floor while the rats crawl over them while others like to handle them. They are well fed inside the temple, and we know that where rats abound, filth does much more abound.

In a country as large as India, there would have to be billions of rats as they multiply fast. These rats are also worshiped and protected. As a result of their protection, they devour and contaminate much of their grain and foods, which brings about starvation for many of the poor people.

The information in this paper is not “religiously correct” for those who have been indoctrinated and programmed all of their Christian lives in the contemporary Judeo- Christian churches. These beliefs however were an important part in the lives of the Christians of early America and the prophesies of the Old Scriptures bare them out, along with the conformation by Christ Himself in the New Testament.

It is well known by now, that those who control history, control the world. In the beginning of the 20th Century all our old history books began to disappear from our libraries, schools, colleges and book stores and were replaced by books written, published and distributed by our enemies within. Much of what made America great had gone down the memory hole.

In this same time frame, our seminaries were infiltrated by the same enemies who did the same thing to the faith of our fathers: removing all the old books written by Christian authors and pastors of early America and before, replacing them with the new and destructive doctrines that began to permeate in the new contemporary churches

The reason I call them destructive is that I have seen the fruits of the Christianity that built this nation, and I now see the fruits of the Christianity that has brought us low, while our pastors remained silent.  We are no longer the city on a hill we once were.

Christ said, I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. Jesus made a very clear and easy to understand statement,  My sheep [Israel[ know my voice and they follow me. We have been told by our pastors as well as in numerous books that He obviously overestimated Himself as the Jews have never followed Him, when in fact they were responsible for his death. Saying in no uncertain terms that He did not know the end from the beginning as he had to go to all the other people on earth. With all the verses that attest to His great love for His people, such as, You only have I known of all the families of the earth, this would be the greatest and only failure of His life, that His own people rejected Him. This is not the Jesus of my faith. Meanwhile, they sing Jesus never fails.   

He criticized  His apostles, not because they did  not believe the women that told them that the tomb was empty and he had risen, but that they did not believe the prophets. When Paul preached to the Christian Israelites, it would have been a great opportunity for him to give his personal testimony of what happened to him on the road to Damascus, as that is one of the well know methods used today. Instead, he preached fulfilled prophesy which converted them. Prophesy has the power to convert men, but it is very seldom if at all used today. Paul quoted the Old Testament 57 times in the book of Romans alone.

I know I’m in a small minority but I believe He did know the end from the beginning and when He said my sheep [Israel] know my voice and they follow me. I prefer to believe Christ more than I do our contemporary theologians. Since Christ said He came to confirm the promises made to the fathers as well as confirming the validity of the prophets by quoting them, I stand by the words of the prophet Amos in 1:10,  Since the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sands of the sea, which can never be measured or numbered: (this would have to mean that at the end of this age they would have to measure in the hundreds of millions) and it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, ye are not my people, (Israelites) there it shall be said unto them, Ye are the sons of the living God. (Christians)

This is about the time that the reader is wondering what this has to do with India and it’s rats. By continuing to read on, this will become apparent as the pieces start to fall in place.

It does not take a master sleuth to know who His people are today They are the most civilized and Godly people on earth, the same gifted building and agricultural people that built Solomon’s Temple and tilled the ground, the only people that have followed Him en mass for the last 2,000 years. The ones that fulfill all the prophesies found in the Israel of old, in this age, and they are not called Jews. By quoting some verses taken out of Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28, we are more than able to see who is controlling whom at this point in time.

Thy sons and thy daughters shall be given to another people, and thine eyes shall look and fail with longing for them all the day long. The stranger with in our gates now control our public education, movies, TV, rock music, the promotion of drugs and homosexuals and the destruction of our values. How many God fearing parents are no longer able to converse with their children under their own roof or instill any of the Christian values they were brought up with?  They are now listening to a different drummer, with an African drumbeat.

Thou shalt serve thy enemies (alien people) which the Lord shall send against thee, in hunger and in nakedness, and in want of all things; (welfare) and He shall put a yoke of iron upon your neck. (taxes)  The fruit of thy land, and all thy labors, shall a nation which thou knowest not eat up: and thou shalt be only oppressed and crushed forever.  This is happening now in all the nations of the Christian West and America in particular. You will notice that this is not happening in the land of the Jews, as they help no one but themselves and oppress the very people they stole the land from.

All Bible students know that the afore mentioned chapters deal with the blessings and the curses. Blessings to His nations that follow his laws, and the curses that will come upon His nations and people if they do not. It is not rocket science to figure out what nations and people fit into His prophesies regarding these promises.

The stranger that is within thee shall get up above thee very high: and thou shalt come down very low. He shall lend unto thee and thou shalt not lend to him: he shalt be the head, and thou shalt be the tail. The alien stranger within our gates, are the ones that created and own our Federal Reserve, a private corporation that has been responsible for us becoming the greatest debtor nation on earth. As Rothschild once said, Give me the control of a nations money, I care not who makes it’s laws.

Now let’s look at that most God forsaken land of the Jews. They are one of the most debt free nations on earth, thanks to the billions of dollars they have extorted from us and Germany. In going through the prophets, I have never seen any mention concerning the Jews going back to the old land (which was cursed by God, to be as Shiloh) unable to exist without leaching from the Christian nations and people. Without their ill gotten gain and support they could not  exist as a nation.  For well over a thousand years they have always had to have a host nation to survive, as Ben Franklin said, Parasites can not exist on parasites.

Let’s look at some of the many blessings that would come upon His people. If ye walk in my statutes, and keep my commandments, and do them: Then will I give you rain in due season, and the land shall yield her increase, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit….and ye shall eat your bread to the full, and dwell in your land safely.  In early America we went by the Common Law, which was not to be in conflict with God’s law. At that time we had pastors after His own heart, and we had Christians who knew their roots and their miraculous history down through the ages. It didn’t take many years for America to become the most God blessed nation on earth because of our obedience to Him. He fulfilled his promise for our people and nation at that time. Other nations of the Christian West have also received blessings, but not quite like those He bestowed  on the Wilderness that  blossomed as the rose. Can you think of any other nation in all history that fulfills that promise?

Now what does He say about the nation or people that are in disobedience? All these curses shall come upon thee, till thou be destroyed: because thou harkened not unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to keep His commandments and His statutes which He commanded thee: And they shall be upon thy seed for ever….Therefore thou shall  serve thy enemies which the Lord shall send against thee, in hunger, and thirst, and in want for all things: and He shall put a yoke of iron upon your neck, until He hath destroyed thee.

Once more He makes this more than clear, If you will not hearken unto me, and will not do all these commandments: And if ye shall despise my statutes, or if your soul abhor my judgments, so that you will not do all my commandments, and that you break my covenant: I also will do this unto you….. They that hate you shall reign over you.

In my lifetime I have heard preachers in church, on the radio and TV denying His laws by telling us, they have all been put away. One popular preacher about 25 years ago from Grand Rapids, who was on over 100 radio stations every day said. All His laws including the ten commandments were abrogated at the cross. Did he receive an avalanche of letters from pastors in protest of such an erroneous statement? I don’t think so. The Apostle Paul said, Do we make void the law thru faith, God forbid Yea we establish the law.  Then Christ, the final word said In Matt 5:19,  Whosoever shall break one of these commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called The least in the kingdom of heaven.  What better way can you get His people to break His Laws than to tell them they have all been put away. They prefer to live under the millions of man’s laws. They have worked out well for us as things just keep getting better and better, or are they?  as compared to the common law that made us the greatest Christian nation on earth.

There is a verse in Isaiah 10 that describes mystery Babylon, which is the beast system that now controls almost all the nations on earth. It is a system that consists of the financial, political and ecclesiastic control of nations and people. It is the one world government which will become the New World Order. Verse 10 describes it perfectly in a few words. And my hand has found as a nest the riches of the people: and as one gathered eggs that are left, have I gathered all the earth: and there were none that moved the wing, or opened the mouth or peeped.  This would include our elected officials, our media and our pastors. In a little over a decade we have watched the wealth of our nation flow into the banking elite, including the largest corporations they own, through there little known holding companies. They represent less than one percent of our population and own over ninety percent of our wealth.

Our churches have become a very valuable asset to Mystery Babylon as you will never see a preacher speak against the bankers, nor will you see a banker say anything against the preachers. Vladimir Lenin once said, Religion is the opiate of the people.

By that he meant, use it for our cause. Our internal enemies have used it for their goals for over 100 years now.  We are now in debt to the bankers who have the power to create money, in the high trillions now and it’s climbing every day. Our local banks also have the power to  create money, and we pay interest on money that never existed. We are being robbed and spoiled and our Christian leaders, by their silence, have become willing accomplices in the greatest Ponzi scheme in world, that has put us all in debt bondage. .

One of our internal enemies put it very clearly, bluntly and honestly by saying, We are the destroyers, we always have been the destroyers, we always will be the destroyers. Over the years they have been exiled from scores of European Christian nations, and always for the same reasons. They put the nations and their people in debt bondage under their cursed unlawful and unbiblical usury and lowered the morals of our youth. Because our pastors do not know history, the same thing has happened here with no opposition coming from the churches. Our founding fathers knew history and they did everything they could by trying to keep the Jews out as they have always been the enemies of our Christian faith, values, ethics and laws. Is it any wonder why Christ had so many admonitions against the pastors in this age?

Since most Christians believe as I do, that this age is coming to a close, not necessarily this month or year and maybe not in this decade, but most of the signs are pointing to the time when Christ will come to separate the wheat from the tares. With that in mind shouldn’t we think that the things I have mentioned would have to be happening  now?  It seems to me that the parade has been passing by for many decades while our pastors and Christians have been intentionally and deceitfully kept from view. I think we are coming to the end of the parade, while the Judeo-Christians are waiting for it to start, as they have been told all of these things are in the future and they won’t be here.

One thing that has come to mind is that there are many preachers along with contemporary theologians that have made a practice of interpreting the visions that the Apostle John saw in Revelations to conform to the Judeo-Christian eschatology that has become very popular in the last half of the 20th Century. Mystery Babylon is not a place on the map like America., NYC, Washington, or London, the headquarters of the Rothschilds and the Illuminati,  as some have stated. The Apostle John says of it. It is drunken with the blood of the saints and the martyrs of Jesus.  There have been close to 100 million Christians that have been tortured starved and murdered in my lifetime and God only knows how many since the time of Christ. Yes, the parade has been passing by.

There are many other verses in the New Testament that have been skewed, some intentionally and some by not going into the prophets to verify their conclusions. Then of course there are others who just blindly believe what they have been taught in their seminaries. It is no secret that many of our internal enemies are teaching in them.

Since I left the church I came to realize that Christianity is much more than John 3:16, as my Bible is more that 1,800 pages long. The Apostle Paul said he came to preach Christ crucified, which covers a lot more than the gospel of salvation. He also said, Preach the Word, which at that time was only the Old Testament. All the wisdom of the ages as well as our future is contained therein.  After His resurrection  Christ spent forty days with His apostles explaining things pertaining to the kingdom of God. This would have been a good time for Him to tell them how to get people saved from the hell He had supposedly prepared for them, or how to build churches. This is not to diminish the gospel of salvation but rather a call to preach the Word. Have you ever noticed that Christ had little to say about personal salvation, as His priority was on the gospel of the kingdom and it’s national message. The same kingdom that is ignored and rejected by today’s Christians.

I know I have covered a lot of ground in this paper, but once I started it’s hard to quit as one thing just leads into another. What you are reading are rather simple and easy to understand statements from the Word.  I have not tried to put a spin on them to fit a flawed hermeneutic composed by men or made any statements contrary to His Word.

In the last sixty years we have been told by our deluded pastors, that if we blessed the Jews, God would bless us. During that time we have blessed them with hundreds of billions of dollars and tens of thousands of our young men to fight their wars. Wars that we had no reason for being involved in. We have been told by our media and our pastors that we are over there fighting for our freedoms that are now disappearing at a rapid pace because of our enemies within and terrorists thousands of miles away, while they are crossing our Southern borders by the thousands.

During this time we have watched our national, state, and personal debt soar to the point that we are now under debt bondage that can never be paid.  America is now facing a financial collapse far worse than any that we have seen in recent years. We have stood by while over 50 million babies were murdered in the womb. We have watched the destruction of our youth by their public education, rock music, sex education with the very young, movies and TV that promote recreational sex, drugs and alcohol for high school kids and younger. They promote the mixing of the races in both the youth as well as those who are married, which is the mixing of the holy seed with the profane. Homosexuality is now become a respectable lifestyle with many of them getting married.

Do you feel we have less diseases and medical problems now that we had 50 years ago?

We are seeing the fruits of our short and  failed marriages of today, brought on by our financial problems and our new morality, a morality that is equal to that of Sodom and Gomorra, passed on to their children. Our justice system, which includes the lawyers and judges, is deplorable by turning convicted rapists and murders loose while keeping the political prisoners locked up for years. The crime brought on by the Godless education and the elimination of all our Christian values are responsible for thousands of lives and billions of dollars in theft and property damage, and more billions each year to maintain our prisons. Our large cities are being destroyed by the dependant Blacks and Mexicans that have taken them over. There are more things I could list, and they all have one thing in common. They have all been started, financed and promoted by the Zionist, Talmudic, antichrist Jews that we have allowed to enter our once Christian nation and control our media, our congress and our very lives. We have also been blessed lately with the most deadly and destructive weather that we have ever seen in this generation, with half the county now on fire and the other half under water. Do you know who our Homeland Security regards as terrorists and the greatest threat to the nation?  They are the Christians, the patriots, our ex servicemen, etc. Do you feel qualified to appear on their list?

We  now come to the obvious question! Do you feel that America is more Godly, happy, free and respected over the last 60 years, than it was before we started to bless the Jews? If so, I would like you to tell me in what way we have been blessed. I would be wrong in saying that nobody is being blessed by all the effort they have put into changing our values and morals to that of Sodom and Gomorra. They have indeed been a real blessing to the most degenerate and immoral people in America. They have given license  to homosexuals, deviates and many more causes, to go about their perversion and lawlessness with impunity.

About ten years ago I asked a woman, What do you feel is the worst, cursing the Jews or cursing Christ? She was actually afraid to answer. I am sure there are millions like her that have been so programmed and deceived by the new 20thCentury Christianity as preached by today’s pastors, that would also be afraid to answer. In doing so they have put Christ and the Jews on the same pedestal. Any people that are revered and respected as they are, is a form of worship. Could it be that Genesis 12:3 is in error? Or could it be that this verse does not apply to the proselyte Jews of today who are not Israelites? If we were to take this verse literally like so many people take the symbolic verses of John’s visions literally, they would have to admit that this verse applies to Abram only, as no mention is made of his seed or descendants.

Before the time of Christ Many became Jews, for fear of the Jews. There is no amount of fear that can change the genes of  an Edomite or Canaanite to those of an Israelite. At the time of Christ there were enough of these proselytes to have the Edomite Herrod as their king in Judea. I have the same animosity for these people that call themselves (Israelites) and are not  Rev 2;9 And 3:9, as Christ had for them, as he never had anything good to say about them in the gospels. If He were to say those things in most of our churches today He would not be too welcome. It was His people Israel, that were also living in Judea at that time that heard His voice and followed Him. There were the good figs and the bad figs. The fig trees that are symbolic of Judea.

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the fierce Turkish-Mongol and heathen   Kahzars in Eastern Europe that converted en mass to the religion of Talmudic Judaism in the 8th Century AD that are now called Ashkenazi Jews. They are the descendants of Japheth and not Shem or Semites. See Geneses 10:3. According to the Jewish encyclopedia, Jewish rabbis, authors and scholars, they compose more than 90 percent of world Jewry today and they are not Israelites. They are the only Jews in the world that are effected by their dreaded Tay-Sachs disease. That must be God’s way for us to distinguish them now from the Edomite and Canaanite Jews at the time of Christ, that are with us today, as well as those of other races that have converted. All these groups follow the Talmud and hate Christ with equal vigor.

It is the natural thing to hate the people that have worked tirelessly for centuries to destroy Christianity  and Christians. Paul referred to these people as God haters, as Christ said, Those that hate me, hate my father also. David said, Do not I hate those O Lord, that hate thee…Psa 139:21. This does not include the billions of people from the time of Christ that have never heard the name of Jesus and died without Him. (According to the theology of many churches today, they would be burning in hell, even though there were no missionaries until 500 years ago.)

Proverbs 16:4 says, The Lord hath made all things for Himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil. Today’s Jews over in their “own” land are now enticing young women from impoverished Romania to come there for great employment. Shortly after arriving they take their passports and burn them while they watch. They are then told “we own you” as they can never leave the country without one. They are then photographed naked from the waist up and auctioned off. They are also in the business of supplying internal organs taken from the Palestinians that are also sold for a great prices. These things along with their severe torture they have used on so many over the years along with what they have done to our once great Christian Republic would make them the epidomi of the words Wicked and evil.

Then we are told in Proverbs17:15, He that justify the wicked, and condemn the just, are both an abomination. All we hear from the preachers now is sympathy and justification for their evil deeds. We should look the other way as we are told  these are God’s chosen people, the only people He has respect for. The only people we are told by John Hagee along with other wealthy preachers, is that they can go to “their heaven” without Christ. Without today’s churches, sometimes unknowingly and sometimes deliberately being a part of Mystery Babylon it would be hard for it to exist as freely and now openly without their tremendous help in keeping the sheep asleep.

There is a strange verse in Luke 19:27 that is never mentioned by today’s New Testament preachers, But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither and slay them before me. He made this statement while standing in Jerusalem. By reading this verse, the pastor would have to explain who these people are. They would be the descendants of the same people he was referring to in the parable in verse 14,  But his citizens hated him, and sent a message after him, saying, We will not have this man to reign over us. This is still waiting to be fulfilled. We have another Jesus preached today, a ‘universal’ God of unconditional love, referred to as the unconditional love cult, who see no difference between the holy seed and the profane.

By what right does God have for creating some for honor and some for dishonor?

How dare he say that He hated Esau before he was born? That does not set well with today’s Christians as they have been told that they are the ones that choose God, and not the other way around. As He said to his followers, You have not chosen me, but I have chosen you.  John 15:16. He does this by the right of creation so that the election might stand. Who are we to complain to the potter?  Since He knows the end from the beginning, everything is going to His plan that was laid down from the foundations of the world. Who can resist His plan?

I regard the antichrist, Zionist, and Talmudic Jews today as nothing more than the rod in God’s hand to deliver the punishment and curses promised to us for our blatant and deliberate fall from the Absolutes of God we once followed, that have now been replaced with pietism, emotionalism, relativism, Humanism, tolerance diversity and lawlessness.

Since God created the wicked for this purpose, we can not blame them as they are doing what they have been created for. A leopard can not change it’s spots. We have now been conquered by the ones we have been “worshiping” for the last 60 years, captive to them as God said would happen in Jer 30:3 and Ez 39:25.

The Indians are having a food shortage because they have a religious problem and you can’t blame the rats as they are also just doing what rats do. We could then ask, why did God create rats? They were both created to destroy.  America and the Indians both have a religious problem.

Since the White European race are the only people that have heard his voice and followed him en mass for the last 2,000 years and also fulfilled ALL the promises and prophesies made to Israel, it is easy to see what God has planned for us. As for Esau-Edom’s seed and their proselytes, their future is foretold in the short book of Obadiah and other prophets including a few verses in Malachi. In chapter 4 verse 1 says a lot. For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be as stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts, that it will leave them neither root nor branch.

The time has come for us to look unto the rock from which we were hewn, and to Abraham our father, and unto Sarah that bore us. and realize our Consular has not perished  and the government will be upon His shoulders and we shall reign on the earth forever.


America Has A Religious Problem